
Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized by multiple painful points across the body. This is typically accompanied with fatigue and sleep issues. Fibromyalgia is what is known as a diagnosis of exclusion where other underlying issues must be ruled out first. 

Individuals with fibromyalgia typically have pain and stiffness all over the body. They suffer from disproportionate amounts of fatigue and tiredness. They often have trouble concentrating and have headaches and migraines. 

Conservative treatment for fibromyalgia typically centers around maintaining proper mechanical function of the body. Soft tissue techniques are used for both relaxation and muscle tone/tension. Manipulation is used to restore proper joint motion. Rehabilitative exercises are then used to reinforce regained mechanics.  Generalized physical activity is also very helpful for fibromyalgia patients. There are many dietary and supplemental treatments that can be tried as well, but their effectiveness varies on a per patient basis. 

 If you have an issue that you would like some guidance with, give us a call at (616) 301-1702.